There are two primary types of martingales:

How to measure your martingale?
There are only two important measurements you need to take while choosing a martingale for your horse.
1. Girth Strap: Begin from the end (A1) of the girth strap that attaches to the noseband (reins in case of a running martingale) to the other usable end (A2) when it is buckled at the min/max hole. (Note: The measurements mentioned are of the length in use when buckled at min/max hole and not to the entire length to the buckle)
2. Neck Strap: Begin from the end (B1) of the neck strap with buckle to the other end (B2) when it is buckled at the min/max hole.

Size Charts
1. Sizechart of Standing or Hunter Martingales

2. Sizechart of Regular & Bib Running Martingales

View the Exion Martingales Collection